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How to have Calculated Field to sum a Custom Filed on requests


Level 1

Hello,  I am trying see if it is possible to create a calculated field on the project  that will show the totals of another Custom field for all the issues attached to a project.  Example.


I have One Project.  I then have customers filling out Requests (Issues).   Our users then are going to move those issues to the proper Project.  One of the Custom fields that the customers fills out, is a "Total Images" field (On each Issue).   

So I would like to have a Calculated field on the Project level that sums the total number of all the Issues that are associated with that Project.  

I know I can do this type of thing in a project report.  Or Issues report with custom expressions in Text mode, or Groupings showing the Sum of the column etc.  However we are going to have a Third Party Database that is going to pull this information. using APIs


Right now the users are manually typing the total number in the Project field.  I would like to save them some work by calculating it for them. 

2 Replies


Employee Advisor

@drewy87234213 Because issues are considered a collection of projects (1:many relationship) there isn't going to be a way to SUM values from the issue custom field and make that visible at the project level. I'd recommend creating an Issue Report, grouping the Results by Project Name, and adding the field for "Total Images" as a column, summarized by SUM. 

You can add this report to a dashboard, and add the dashboard as a custom tab on your project so that the information is easily accessible. 


Level 1

Thank you.  Yes, I see how to have it totaled in a report/Dasboard.  However we are trying to have our MicroStrategy Database system query a field to get the total.  We will have to see if we can query the individual Issues in the project then. have Micro strategy add it it up.  This information will be fed into other systems.  


Thanks for the response though, you confirmed my assumption.