I am trying to figure out a way to pull total hours on project for just the current year. I know I can use an hours report, but I need the data in a project report so I can display it and add to expenses. I was thinking a calculated field that I can then pull into a project report. However, I cannot get it to pull just hours from the current year.
SUM({actualWorkRequired},($$TODAYby >= {entryDate} && $$TODAYey <= {entryDate}))/60
I think it is looking at projects that have hours recorded in the current year and then just provides the sum of total project hours. Not current year only hours.
I see WF has API for 'actualHoursThisMonth'. Anyone know how to pull "actual hours for this year'?
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@JeffreyRo Currently, there is not a way to SUM specific numbers within a collectIon (since hours are a collection of projects, you wouldn't be able to pick and choose which ones to SUM at the project level). Therefore, a calculated field wouldn't work.
The only way to SUM hours logged this year by project would be an Hour Report filtered by Hour Entry Date > This Year, grouped by Project Name, and the column for Hours summed. If you are needing this information at the project level, you can add this report to a dashboard and add the dashboard as a custom section to the project so that it is easily accessible.
Filtering a collection to surface only relevant data is a need for many customers, so I will be sure to continue bringing this up as a topic of interest in my future Reporting Roadmap conversations with Product!
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Hey Nichole - would you be able to report on that custom dashboard data in a project?
I'd like to say no.
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You wouldn't be able to pull in that summed value into another report, however, if you wanted to add custom fields to the project custom form for hours entered by year (if the project spans multiple years) you could do that.
Just know that you would need to manually enter in those values at the end of each year, based on the hours logged. That would be the only way to use those values for custom reports (unless you have Workfront Fusion).
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Thanks! I just posted about that question too - calculated field option OR Fusion.
At least I know it's possible with Fusion....but can I? thats a different story!
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