Hi All,
Most of our projects are launched from templates, where we have set durations for each task. Because of the high volume of work and competing priorities for our department, it's not uncommon for folks to complete their tasks earlier than or later than the task planned completion date. We like for planned and actual completion dates to match so that downstream teams have an accurate picture of when work is coming their way.
Up to this point, folks have been manually updating task durations so the dates match (we've preferred to this adjusting the dates themselves since that can change the task constraint--most of our tasks use the 'As soon as possible' constraint).
Sometimes folks forget to make the adjustments or get confused about how to make them (and things get more problematic if the upstream teams/users have failed to make their adjustments), and I wondered if it would be possible to automate the adjustments. Has anyone tried creating an automation such as this, or does anyone have pointers for how to go about it?