I'm trying to figure out how to add the following to an Issue report:
# Days between planned completion date and Awaiting Feedback
# Days between Awaiting Feedback and closed
I'm having some difficulty. Has anyone done anything similar? We trying to measure how much of late delivery is due to extended feedback time. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
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Hi Rob,
I get it... someone would like to demonstrate how it's not their fault work is stalling because people are poor at communicating. At Truist, we calculate the duration for New -> In Progress and In Progress -> Complete for all issues so we can ensure we're meeting our SLA for the various types of requests we process (Access, Change, Project). This gives us the ability to report delivery metrics to leadership (Send Report) so we can ensure we're performing well and getting help (or a break) when we need it.
But there's a missing piece here that is important. It's that everything is a project. If you don't move the request to a project, then you'll never achieve the output you desire because it's not possible on Issues, which should not used to document actions taken. The delays in communication should be evident in the tasks as they are completed (or not) by the assignees or approvers. The best part is that the project templates we use for every access request have a single task in them, but they are super powerful tasks with approval processes behind them.
Anyone is welcomed to join WFPro Weekly Decompression this Friday at 3pm Eastern if you'd like to see how these calculated fields and reports benefit our Workfront Center of Excellence at Truist.
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Hi Narayan, I really appreciate your reply to this question. It's very helpful. While 3 of our geos are using projects for most of their work, we have one geo area that only uses issues. But you're exactly right, they want to measure how much of the "lateness" is due to the amount of time they're waiting for the Awaiting Feedback to be replied to. I'm already recording the initial change in issue status, but when I try to add a second change, it doesn't seem to be working correctly (it just returns the same date, not the date of the latest status change). Am I correct in reading your response that you can't get multiple issue status changes? For example, In Progress on 7/22/20, Awaiting Feedback 7/23/20? I was going to try a Notes report next for system messages as maybe a way to get to this.
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Hey Rob, what it boils down to is you can't document sequential actions on an issue. They're unplanned topics or problems that need to be resolved by action, otherwise known as tasks. There's just no way around it. If you could see the "hacks" people have come up with in my environment over the years in attempts to plan work using issues, you would understand what I mean. It just never works because it's inconsistent with the way people work. The "too much overhead creating projects" argument doesn't hold weight with me anymore so every time someone wants to remain in "issue" world, I think of them as problem-focused instead of solution-focused... also known as people I don't want to work with. But with coaching and common sense, people begin to realize pretty quickly that Workfront was designed to be consistent with the way we work, which happens to always be the same when performed correctly. I'll end the rant here for fear of another great discussion falling into... the....... infinite.............. abyss..............
--Narayan (Truist)
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Hi Narayan, I appreciate your thoughts. We're mostly there on the projects front, but this one geo sub-area is an exception. Unfortunately for me, that doesn't mean my management doesn't want reports on what they're doing! I'm gradually and slowly getting some report metrics I can use with the issues, but it hasn't been easy. Thanks again for your help and I hope you have a great weekend!
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