I am trying to capture the time between status changes, and what I have is very hit and miss right now.
I am able to collect when the task goes IP and Complete. But when I try to do the calculations thats when the fun happens. I either get a fractional hour or a big fat zero.
Capture IP timestamp Date and Time Format:
- In Progress Status Timestamp Field: IF(Status='INP',IF(ISBLANK(In Progress Status Timestamp),$$NOW,In Progress Status Timestamp),In Progress Status Timestamp)
Completion Timestamp: Date and Time Format
- Complete Status Timestamp: IF(Status='CPL',IF(ISBLANK(Complete Status Timestamp),$$NOW,Complete Status Timestamp),Complete Status Timestamp)
Duration Field: Number Format
- Duration Between In Progress and Complete Statuses: ROUND(WORKMINUTESDIFF(Complete Status Timestamp,In Progress Status Timestamp)/60,2)
Task that have ranges from 1 to 3 min show zero, if they do show, 5 min task show .08. I have removed the "/60,2" in various tries with no luck. Like I said now most of the time I get a 0 reported.
Second part to this would there be any way to capture this data, over and over? Right now it looks like this is a one time capture. I am looking for something similar to what is shown with "Getting timestamp from status changes" solution?