
Fusion "Perform Record Action" - Issue: Convert to Project


Level 5
Hello! I am trying to setup a FLO that will convert issues to projects. I have gotten stuck with how to fill out the card. I'm not sure of what to put for the project argument. I have a project template that I would like to attach when the project is created as the issue has a custom form with information that I will need to carry over to the custom form in the project template, and that is pretty much it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Yvonne Miaoulis Sage
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Level 3
Arguments on this card type are used to 'push' data into the object (Project) you are creating. You must specify a Project Name so that is one input. You can also add a form (in the API its a category. You can expose the category ID via a view of your custom forms. So you will need to pass that as input too Here is a screenshot of a sample flo that converts a project with a form ... The Key is the Object Construct card because the record action card is looking for an object as its input. Name comes from the issue name The long id is the ID of the form (category) you want to attach Note that 'name' and 'categoryID' MUST be as shown. These are the WF fields you are trying to populate. The 'extra Read card at the end is just to 'prove' to yourself that the form took.... Good Luck Jim Brown FujiFilm Medical Systems, USA


Level 5
Thank you SO much Jim, this is exactly what I needed!!!!! Yvonne Miaoulis Sage


Level 5
Hi Jim, Follow up question if you don't mind - I've got this working (many thanks to you!) but the FLO is deleting the issue after it is converted to a project. I know when manually converting an issue in Workfront there is the checkbox for "" - is there a way to "check" this within Fusion? Thanks! Yvonne Miaoulis Sage


Level 3
I did not try to preserve the issue in my testing but.... When I converted an issue via the WF GUI (with the option to save the original issue selected) and then looked at it in Fusion I saw three fields that referenced the old issue: In the convert to project process those same 3 fields are available as 'arguments' you can apply during the conversion. I would try to use them and see if it works. Good luck Jim Brown FujiFilm Medical Systems, USA


Level 5
Thanks again Jim! This didn't work unfortunately. I believe that the "options" field somehow needs to represent that "Keep the original issue and tie its resolution to this project" is checked as it would be when converting the issue manually in Workfront. I've asked Workfront support for assistance with this, I'll see what they come back. For anyone's future reference - I found the below in the HTML of the page, and I think this needs to be in the "options". I have tried the below in the "options" field but I keep getting an "unknown copy option" error. checkable_preserveIssue: "checked" checkable_preserveIssue: checked preserveIssue: checked preserveIssue: true "preserveIssue": "true" {"preserveIssue": "true"} {"checkable_preserveIssue": "true"} {checkable_preserveIssue: true} {preserveIssue: true} Yvonne Miaoulis Sage


Level 5
The options field I'm referencing, below "project: output" Yvonne Miaoulis Sage


Level 5
Turns out I was over-complicating things. These are the "options" you can enter, and you don't need to put "true" or anything else. preserveIssue preservePrimaryContact preserveCompletionDate Yvonne Miaoulis Sage