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Filtering a task Report where a custom field does not match assigned to


Level 6
Hello- I have a task report where I am trying to filter for tasks where the assigned to name DOES NOT match the name in a project level custom field. I've gotten the view to highlight where they do not match using: displayname= linkedname=assignedTo:name namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=assignedTo namekeyargkey.1=name querysort=assignedTo:name styledef.case.0.comparison.icon=false styledef.case.0.comparison.leftmethod=assignedTo:Name styledef.case.0.comparison.lefttext=assignedTo:Name styledef.case.0.comparison.operator=notin styledef.case.0.comparison.operatortype=string styledef.case.0.comparison.rightmethod=DE:project:Program Lead styledef.case.0.comparison.trueproperty.0.name=bgcolor styledef.case.0.comparison.trueproperty.0.value=eac6c9 styledef.case.0.comparison.truetext= textmode=true valuefield=assignedTo:name valueformat=HTML Now I would like to filter to only return those that DO NOT match. I've tried the following but I still get all of the tasks back: DE:project:Program Lead=FIELD:assignedTo:Name DE:project:Program Lead_Mod=notin projectID=5a6b9d5d00315bbe07ad213e9515c592 projectID_Mod=in Thoughts? Thanks! Mollie Shatek JLL

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