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Extract a pictured sku into a text file (sku # and date)


Level 4

Hi Everyone,

I'm working on a request to solve for linking inventory to assets. Need to extract the pictured sku into a text file with sku# and date.

We save all released assets in WF. Hoping there is a way to do this.




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8 Replies



Hi Linda,

I haven't done this, but I know that @Cindy Reichert‚ does a lot with packaging and skus and so I thought maybe she might have a suggestion for you.

Are you trying to link from two different places in Workfront? If you share a little bit more about what you're trying to do maybe someone else will be able to share what they've done.

@Monique Evans‚ I know you do a lot with various marketing assets too, maybe you have some insight?




Level 4

Hi Kyna,

I have a consulting call on Wed 2/10 to pick up where we left off on a previous call, different topic. I'm going to bring this question up on that call. If we cant resolve it I'll reach out to Cindy and Monique. Thanks for the suggestion!



Level 3

Hi! We are not storing our assets in Workfront and instead use a separate digital asset management system. We route a ton of artwork, but not final versions. We have also just recently implemented a PIM system, which I believe is our "answer" to what you're trying to do. We also use SAP for detailed inventory-related information, which we do not have linked to Workfront. Sorry we're not of more help. As you figure this out, I'd love to how your using Workfront to do this, as it might be helpful to know for other uses. Thanks.


Level 4

Thanks for the reply Cindy.

We have 2 different scenarios of where the images are stored. Individual product images such as what appear on our website are stored in Scene7. We link these images in our custom form. I'm hoping that link will be the key to pulling this file. In addition, we also do live photography for some items. These images are not uploaded to Scene7. We save them on our network + we save final assets within a project.

We had a great system in my old company but we used different software/applications.

I'll let you know what I come up with.


Former Community Member

Hi Linda -

When you say you save all deliverable assets in WF... is that in the Proof tool, native "documents" to the project, or thru the Workfront DAM offering (Library, WebDam, etc)? You may not like this answer, but in our company, Workfront does not do a sufficient job working at the "SKU" or individual merchandise level. We use relational database constructs, to marry photography/video assets... to physical merchandise. And our future-state targets, are to take that relational database(s) and push back percentage complete progress... in real-time, so that the Workfront project accurately represents the progress in that workflow. You could also push it out to you PIM, if you have one. I plan to, for our buying team. Happy to offline this... if you have questions. Sorry to not be more helpful.

Jason Carter

PS - You could, as an after thought, take the hosted document URL (which is only good but for so long), and marry in a scripted CSV/spreadsheet... the asset SKU's in line with the hosted url. See example (I've just "made it up"). That would be a relatively easy stop-gap. There might be some more sophisticated approaches, if you use text mode, but I'm not sure.



Former Community Member


Former Community Member

I see you use S7. We did too... once upon a time. I could probably work with you to come up with more sophisticated ideas. Just shoot me a line: jason.carter@tailoredbrands.com


Level 4

Hi Jason,

Thanks for your reply. We decided to put this on hold... for the moment. But to answer your questions, we save a pdf of the released asset(s) in the documents folder in each project for easy reference. We don't use a DAM. We have a PIM so that could be my next convo internally.
