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Export of Project Updates


Level 1

Hi - my company leverages some great internal AI summary assistants and I wanted to get an export of the 'All (read-only)' transcript in the Updates section on projects? Is that possible?


If it is, is it possible to also get that data for all projects within a portfolio within a specific time range? i.e. in the last week


Thank you!

2 Replies


Level 4



Only one field is available on the project report called 'Last Note: Note Text' where it only pulls the latest comment added in the updates section. (you can apply your portfolio/date filters as required)

I wish I know a way to pull all the update section details under each project.




Community Advisor

Journal Entry reports aren't exportable which would be the easiest and I haven't found a way to pull in audit text generated by the system into a project report.


Best way would be to a kickstart export of notes. This will export all the data for all projects. 


Export Data from Workfront via Kick-Starts | Adobe Workfront