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Duration Report


Level 3
Hello all, I am trying to run a report that will show when Task A is complete, how long does it take for Task B? Is that even possible? We are trying to identify some bottlenecks in our system and would like to find out which tasks are taking the longest. It's hard to gather a report (and we are not all using logging time) for when people physically start working on a task until the they are done. When our team members click "work on it", it could be weeks later before they actually start "working" on it. So there is no true capture for that. However at least for "actual completed on" there is. So if I can find out when task A was "actually completed" then when was task B "actually completed" Here is a screenshot of a report I started if anyone has suggestions to edit to get what I want: Thank you in advance, any input will be helpful. Mike Mike Marando Excelsior College
1 Reply


Level 10
Hi Mike, Unless there is some relationship between Task A and B (eg A is a predecessor or a parent of B), there's no "causality" as far as WF knows, but as far as generically looking for bottlenecks goes (noting that Projected Dates will approach and eventually become the Actual Dates; or if you prefer, ignore that idea and use Actual Dates in the bullets below), the Usual Suspects (which you can calculate as custom data on the Tasks, or in a calculated column on a view) are: "slippage" DATEDIFF("d",Projected Start Date,Planned Start Date) "stretch" DATEDIFF("d",Projected Completion Date,Projected Start Date) - DATEDIFF("d",Planned Completion Date,Planned Start Date) Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads