
Does anyone score requests/ projects for size, effort, etc. to help prioritize?


Level 2

We'd like to start scoring projects based on size, effort, project type to prioritize work. I'd like to keep it simple and try it out for a bit. Anyone have an approach that is working for them? And do you have the requestor do the scoring ? or the project scheduler ? Would love a few ideas.



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Community Advisor

We tried using the Scorecard on projects, but found we needed to score things earlier so we know how to prioritize which requests need to be converted to projects first.

We wound up with a system of customer fields with Values for each option (within the field under the Options dropdown, select Show values). Then another custom calculated field to sum those values from whatever is chosen in each field.

The requestor selects the options in each field, the calculated field ads their selections up once they click Submit. And we pull that calculated fields into various reports as needed.


Level 2

Heather - Thank you. Makes sense to get the score with the request, great idea. I do understand how to use the Values on the drop down option, that's what I planned to use. The key will be to make the Scoring easy for the requestor to select correctly.


Level 3

We started scoring projects to get a better idea of project load among the project managers. We can easily see how many projects each PM has, but projects vary greatly in scope. We created values for Tier (Tier 1, 2 or 3), Priority (Low, Normal, High, Urgent) and Number of Deliverables (1-2, 3-5, 6-9, 10+). These are all items that are on the request form, so we know the project value by the time it's assigned to a team. If a project has a higher tier, priority and number of deliverables, it will have an overall numerical score that is higher. These scores pull into a "PM Project Load" report where I can see a numerical value for each PM's workload. I refer to this report frequently so I can assess workload on the teams and assign work to those teams that have lower project load scores.


Level 6

Oh my gosh Tammy this is exactly what I have been trying to set up for my project managers! I'm interested to see more! Any chance you'd be willing to share some examples of the reports/calculations you are using?


Level 1

hi @TammyWe  - any chance you'd be willing to share this? This is definitely something my team is currently working towards. Thanks!