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Deactivated Username not showing in exported task list


Level 4

I have a view setup that we use to export for MGMT review (it has to be outside of WF). Recently a user exported the list and tasks that were completed by a prior user (now deactivated) had the Assigned To field blank. When you click through to the task, that username is still showing as the Primary Owner of the task, it just isn't showing on the view nor the exported file. Additionally, other users, now deactivated, ARE showing on the view/exported file. It's only one single user that is having an issue. Does anyone know how to "force" that to show? I also don't need the user account linked, so if a text-mode edit is required to just display the name (not linked) that is an acceptable solution also.


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2 Replies


Level 2

I am experiencing a similar issue with reports. It doesn't happen with every deactivated user on every task so it's difficult to pinpoint the issue. I'm ending up spending a lot of time trying to determine if someone actually forgot to assign someone because I don't want to harass my team members if the data is actually in Workfront but isn't pulling through on the reports.


Level 3

I have same issue, looked into this to see if we have found a solution to show deactivated users on the reports.