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Date w/ Min 5 day eta


Level 3
Hi! Does anyone know of a way to add a custom date field on an issue that will prevent users from selecting a date that is less than 5 days away? I was able to lock the due date AT five days with ADDDAYS(Entry Date,5), but it doesn't leave any room to select dates past the 5 days...Not sure if there is a way to do this... Thank you! Kat

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3 Replies


Level 7
You could have 2 custom fields, one where the user enters a date, and the other is a calculated field that uses that date to determine your final date. for the second custom calculated field, you could use this (test for due date is the name of the custom date field you would add): IF((WEEKDAYDIFF(Entry Date,test for due date)<5),ADDWEEKDAYS(Entry Date,5),test for due date)


Level 3
Hi Greg! I'll give this a whirl. Figured I'd need to build in an additional field. Thank you!!!


Level 3
This worked perfectly, thanks Greg!