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Customize "Updates" textbox


Level 1
Hello everyone! As you all know, creative agencies have multiple issues that arise throughout the creative process that are out of our control. For example: offers change, multiple rounds of creative edits, items are added to our scope, etc. Currently, our managers post these in the "updates" tab because that's how we communicate to the creative team that we have changes to be made. My Question: I'm wondering if it's possible to customize the text box in the "Updates" tab to include something to flag an issue - like a checkbox? Or, can we customize the comments text box within the "Documents" tab? Maybe next to the "Ask for approval" checkbox? I know there's an "Issues" tab where these should be going, but our managers push back because they don't want to place the same info in two different places. My goal is to create a way for the managers to maintain their current process, but also highlight the issues I need to be aware of for post-mortem reports. (Rather than reading through entire threads of info that isn't necessarily pertinent for me.) Let me know any/all ideas you have! Text box to comment on a document for reference - Text box in the "Updates" Tab for reference - Jamie Koziol Sprint
1 Reply


Community Advisor
Hi Jamie, Although "Updates" can not be reported upon (or filtered) natively, the "Notes" object can do both, and is likely to contain the same human-entered information you're after (in the "Note Text", as opposed to the "Audit Text", which is for system-generated information such as status changes, etc.). So although there is no way to extend the current functionality of the Updates dialog you've shown, what you might consider is adopting a "prefix" convention to tag those Updates that you'd later like to filter and retrieve via a Notes report. For best results, I'd suggest a adopting a non-typical pattern to avoid false positives on filtering (e.g. "Note Text CONTAINS ~TODO~ etc.). Here's a few examples: ~TODO~ Make sure we come remember to... ~BEST~ For the lookback, this illustrated the Best Practice of... ~OOPS~ Next time we run into this, we should avoid... etc. A few years ago, I took this concept even further (perhaps a bridge worth, some would say), and paired such conventions with special calculated parameters that examined the Last Update (through which each Update passes, in turn) that each "watched" for certain prefixes, and upon finding an entry that matched, then appended the value to an ever-growing "targeted audit" text area. Doing so neatly collected all of those related items in a single, project custom parameter that could then be easily reported (e.g. viewed across multiple Projects in a grid) using built in reporting. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore