I just checked the additional object types in Preview, and I'm *really* excited to see this after having wished for it for years! Dustin, and @Josh Hardman I will ask, because I know my team will ask me, is there any plan to add the ISSUE object type? And, although it should be assumed that this is the way it would work - I will point out to other readers that in initial testing, this field does appear to limit the value list to those to which the user has View access. So, the value list of one field will be variable from user to user.
That will be the desired behavior for most use cases; but there are use cases in which the desired behavior may be to display a list of projects including those to which a user may not have access. For us, it would look like this:
In a new Issue form, a Typeahead field exists where the user is asked, "Is this request associated with a currently open strategy project?" If yes, we would want the user to identify the relevant strategy project - BUT, most users wouldn't necessarily have View access to these strategy projects. So, the typeahead field would effectively be blank. This is a tough one to balance - we don't want to provide really broad or universal view access to certain projects, but at the same time there wouldn't be any objection to users seeing a list of those projects so they could associate their request with a specific one.
With that in mind, do you anticipate the ability to "Run this Typeahead with the Access Rights of" similar to how Reports can be designed to display records that the viewer wouldn't otherwise be able to see?
William English T-Mobile
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