Hi - I only have one team that really uses cross-project predecessors because it turned out that other PMs didn't like when their schedule got changed because another PM was late on their project (which doesn't really make sense because if it is late, your project will be late, but that is another conversation.) The team that does still use it asked me for a "successors" column so they could see which tasks on which projects depended on the that task. Now they only cared about the task number, but if you need the task name, you could manipulate the code. listdelimiter=
listmethod=nested(successors).lists name=Successors textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=CONCAT({successor}.{project}.{name}," - ",{successor}.{taskNumber}) valueformat=HTML As for number 2, that is very difficult. A template is just for one project not for a "collection" of projects. Maybe you could put something in the task name that says [Make the predecessor the Send to Vendor task on the Print Production sub project] and then the PM can remove that from the task name once they do that. Anthony Imgrund FCB