Hi All,
For my instance, we're looking into creating a Fusion Scenario that pulls the 10 most recent projects a user (typeahead field) has worked on, and adds those project names to a custom field on an issue associated with that user? This is the scenario I've built so far but need some insight into what I maybe missing:
Scenario 1
Watch Events
Record type: Task
State: New State
Filters: ParentID Equal CPS
Record Origin: new and update records
Scenario 2
Record Type: Task
Result Set: All Matching Records
Search Criteria fields: ID, Name, Project ID, DE:PSRA, DE:PSRR, DE:PSRRS
Search Criteria: DE:PSRA basic operators Exist
Output: ID, Parent ID, Project ID, DE:Parent Name, DE:PN, DE:PSRA, DE:PSRR, DE:PSRRS
Scenario 3
Read Record
Record Type: Project
Outputs: ID, Last Update Date, Name
Scenario 4
Array Aggregator
Source Module: Adobe Workfront - Read a record [4]
Target Structure: Custom
Aggregated Fields: name Adobe Workfront - Read a record [4]
Scenario 5
Update Record
ID: 2. projectID
Record Type: Issue
Fields to Map: Project ID
Project ID: Contacts Database
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Hi @OmahaOmaha
I think you mean "Module" where you say "scenario" right? I don't see anything that tells me how you're getting the list of projects.
The key will be how you define "10 most recent projects a user worked on"
We can use assignments - but that's the "most recent tasks" a user was assigned to.
Can you articulate what the business is looking for?
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yes I meant Modules (still getting over covid). Ideally it will be looking for tasks that fall under the parent task name of CPS then search the children task for the field DE:PSRA. Each child task will have this field filled out. It is a calculated field pulling multiple user typeahead fields into one field. we want to use that field to tether the project name to an issue form on a project called Contacts Database where we house all of our contact info/data. Then use that connection to generate a custom field displaying the most recent projects that user/contact has worked on. They would only be assigned to one of the tasks under the CPS parent task.
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One thought: You can do one search instead of first parent task and then children:
search for tasks where DE:PSRA_Mod=notblank and parent:name=CPS
But my question remains - how do you define "the most recent projects that user/contact has worked on"?
the projects user/contact has worked on
- that are most recently closed
- that most recently started
- that was most recently modified
- where the user's task most recently closed
- where the user most recently logged hours on the task
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Probably by: "where the user's task most recently closed" would be the guide.
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You could use the user collection workitems and sort them by task:actualCompletionDate
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