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Converting Requests/Issue to Programs


Level 2
Hello all! I've been lurking for a bit and learning from all of you while we continue our integration of WF throughout our enterprise. It has been invaluable! Background : For our Marcomm team we've developed a request queue for 2 types of requests, Marketing/Creative Project (single project) or an Integrated Campaign (multiple projects within a Program). The custom-forms for each request type requires different information. Once reviewed by a Marketing Manager, the request is typically converted to a project. However, there is no way -that I'm aware of- to convert an issue to a Program (campaign). Need : Is there a way to convert a request to a new Progam and retain the information submitted with the request? If not, is there a workaround that would allow us to bring over the info from the original request into a new Program (created from New)? Thanks in advance! David Hancock Director of Project Management Meeting Professionals International, Inc
4 Replies


Level 4
I would also be interested to hear if this is possible as I was asked about it yesterday! Vikki Gibbs WF System Admin RRD


Level 6
Out of the box, this is not possible. The conversion is limited to converted the issue (request) to a task or project. However, if you have Fusion (or your own internal coding using the APIs), you could trigger a flow based on a new request of a certain type, or a request in a certain status, that would create the program and copy the data from the request form to the program form. Marty Gawry - CapabilitySource


Community Advisor
Something to consider that we've done... We create a Campaign project, then route all individual tactic requests for that campaign to the campaign project. It does require us to set up new queue topics for each campaign with a routing rule to route to that campaign. But (thanks to something I ready in a Community thread) we are able to set up queue topics via a template so they are real quick and painless to set up repeatedly.


Level 4
Hi David, I am system admin over Creative Services for Gamestop. We work this same way. If you think of programs as a subfolder of a portfolio it might make better since. Essentially every issue becomes a project for us. When working with Campaigns we have tried two ways. 1). Keeping every project housed under its own portfolio and program. All have their own naming conventions at the beginning to denote if they are print, email, banners, etc. 2). We pre-built a Campaign and did all the workback timelines so we could give our internal partners deadlines for submission and sku's. Then when they submitted this request (issue) in WF we converted it to a task within the pre-built campaign. You can accomplish this by making a custom form for a task. Just "copy your project custom form" but assign it as a task custom form. As long as the custom forms for issues, projects and tasks match, all your information will come over. If you would like to call me for further questions please do. Sometimes trying to explain your thoughts (which seem obvious to you) gets lost in translation. Samantha Senior Specialist, Creative Services 817-424-2186