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Consistent Fields


Level 3
We need to calculate a project specific billable rate in multiple areas. I want to use a field that was created on a program on project and task reports as well. Although it would be nice if we can fill it is out only once. Is this possible? Emily Byrne The Starr Conspiracy

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2 Replies


Level 8
I don't believe you can apply specific billing rates to a program, so there is nothing for the project to inherit from. You could use custom fields (an input one for a program, and a calculated one for the project) but that's a fair bit of work to set up and ensure people only use the custom fields in reports/views. Do you use companies? Have you considered setting up each program as a company with specific rates, and then associating each project with the relevant company? Barry Buchanan Work Management Australia


Level 3
Thanks for your reply. Yeah you can't apply a billable rate to the program that's why I created a custom field. And we do apply the company specific or project specific billable rate. But when you run an hour report it only calculates the resource revenue which is the job role's default billable rate not the project specific rate. When calculating our earned revenue in a week we like to evaluate it based on the project's billable rate. So I would like to enter it in the custom field for a program once for data version control, but then reuse that form on the project, task or hour reports as well. I think we could just apply it ourselves in the custom field but I would really like to make easier to make room for less errors. I had some help to create a formula for the billable rate on the hour report based on the billable rate in the program but its not working. Urg. So I am going to call workfront today about that. But I really like your idea about the calculated fields it may be more work on the front end but would be super helpful for the future. Emily Byrne The Starr Conspiracy