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Common OAuth2 endpoint/configuration for integrations?


Level 2


we've build an Workfront integration with an other solution and using a username & password based authentication as the integration should work with any Workfront instance without execution of any special configuration. The host solution allows only to use OAuth2 for authentication and the integrations have to be approved by the vendor of the host solution to accessable to his customers. Therefore we've implemented our own OAuth2 authentication for Workfront using the Workfront username, password and domain in the background.

The Microsoft Teams integration of Workfront is using the Authorization URI https://oauth.my.workfront.com/integrations/oauth2/authorize as the endpoint for an OAuth2 Authorization Code Flow.

In the initial screen of Authorization Code Flow for Teams, you have to enter your Workfront domain and the request will be forwarded via https://<myorganization>.my.workfront.com/integrations/oauth2/authorize to login screen of the domain https://<myorganization>.my.workfront.com/login.

If I configure an OAuth2 application in a Workfront instance, would it be possible to use the app (Client ID, Client Secret, Redirect Url, ...) with any Workfront instance?

If yes, which token endpoint would I need to use to get a access token? If I should use the standard interface https://<myorganization>.my.workfront.com/integrations/oauth2/api/v1/token, I have to get somehow the org of the user?

When I look into the login URI parameters I see host=antegma.my.workfront.com&type=common

We really would like to use Adobe solution instead of our custom solution, because this would allow us to SSO/SAML integration of Adobe Workfront.

Is this common endpoint usable by others than Adobe? Who can I contact at Adobe to speak about this topic?



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