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Combined Task and Issue Report


Level 7
Is there a way to have a combined Task and Issue Report? For example, if we wanted to see a list of all the tasks and issues that a Person has been assigned to and is currently working on - how can I represent that? I could not find a thread in the Community for this specific report and have also tried going through the "Task Report" route and then the "Issue Report" route, but I keep getting stuck in that what I want for information/filters/groupings in one report, doesn't have it in the other and vice versa. Right now, we have a Task Report for Person A. And, then an Issue Report for Person A. The manager is looking to combine these 2 reports into one, so that it eliminates having to go into/view 2 reports and so that they can see all the Tasks and Issues together for Person A. Task Report right now shows Project Name, Task Name, Planned Hours, Start On, Due On, %Complete and is grouped by Planned Completion Date (weekly) Issue Report right now shows Issue Name, Status, Entry and Projected Completion Date. Any help much appreciated… Thanks, Terry Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services

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9 Replies


Community Advisor
Hi Terry, I suggest you try Report > New Report > Assignment, which might be a better fit for what you are after. Regards, Doug


Level 6
Terri, we also use Assignment reports. The only issue with Assignment Reports is certain fields (ex. Planned Completion Date) have both "Task" and "Issue" versions of the field. If you want [Planned Completion Date] to appear in a report, you'd have 2 separate columns. Unless you go into text mode and combine the columns. There are 2 ways to do this: Text mode to "Share Columns" -- sharecol=true (linebreak) textmode=true Text mode to display the correct field depending on if it's a Task or Issue displayname= Planned Completion Date textmode=true valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({opTaskID}),{task}.{ plannedCompletionDate },{opTask}.{ plannedCompletionDate }) valueformat=HTML With both versions, I'm discovered issues with sorting. Method 1 sorts all the tasks before issues (so you'll have Tasks due with days 1, 2, 10 above Issues due day 1, 2, 3). Method 2 has difficulty sorting (although someone more savvy than me may have a better idea) Vincent Goodwin The Capital Group Companies


Level 3
Terry, Your question on assignments was timely for me. I start each day creating or reviewing some Workfront usage idea with possible solutions. This morning was a fine time in my thinking chair. In addition to Doug and Vincent's ideas, consider the example kick-start attached. You may load this directly to your work environment using an Administrator license and through the kick-start import function located at Setup > System > Kick-Starts > Import Data panels. This assignments report pulls the task and issue assignments based on the prompts entered. The following fields are output for export and further analysis in Excel. Project Name Project Status Status Assigned By Name User Assigned Job Role Assigned Team Assigned Planned Hours Percent Task Name Task Status Task Waiting On Predecessors Task Planned Start Date Task Planned Complete Issue Name Issue Status Issue Planned Start Issue Planned Complete Initial conclusions I found in testing this. * Column headers needed to be named in layman terms to make report easier to read. * Columns needed to be organized to go from assignment to project to task to issue order. * The links project, task, issue, user, and team records are needed to go immediately to the record…less navigation is a bonus! * The status values are needed to see where the assignment may be on progress for project, task, or issue. * The planned start and planned completion dates on tasks and issues are needed for checking on things being done in a work window, created from the prompts. * The planned hours and percent allocation were handy when doing a grouping by user to see how workloads were distributed across the data results - this was cool to see! * Predecessor pending column was an afterthought to see that something may be holding up a task. Pretty cool start to my day…thanks for the question. Doug Williams


Community Advisor
Great point, Vincent -- thanks for adding the details around the dates. Dugger, your attached report gift is very nice! For the more visual reader, may I suggest that you add a screenshot illustrating what the resulting report will Look Like once they download and kickstart it into their own environment? Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 3
Ahhh....forgot to do those screen snips...I was so into my kick-start techie mind on that report. Doug Williams


Level 7
All, many thanks for the help and the super detailed, report creation information. Rolling up my sleeves right now to dive in to it. Terry Hynd EBSCO Information Services


Level 7
Hi @Terry Hynd How did you find building this report? I've now found a need to build a very similar report. We are currently using a report as a task list essentially, looking at all tasks that are assigned to a certain role. The role will now be set up on a routing role of a request queue so we will also need to look at requests that are assigned to the same role. Bearing that in mind, it sounds like your report would be the solution to us just using one as well but we would want to differentiate between requests and tasks by a grouping if possible, if you know how? Thank you, Vicky. Vicky Fitzgerald Telegraph Media Group Limited


Level 3
As I understood this, the ask is to use a routing rule to assign a request initially to a specific job role. This is not directly supported in Workfront. The routing rule set up panel only allows initial assignment to a direct assignee or a work team. Darn, an obstacle. Switching mind sets…. We could use teams to allow for the assignment of job-role-named teams. This allows the routing rule to do the initial assignment to a team. We can choose to assign people to it or not; at least one person must be on the team to enter it. The reporting can then be set up to look at the requests based on team assignment, which is a separate field on the request record. The team name is stored in the field until someone deletes it. For the Assignments Analysis Export report on this discussion, the reporting just flows if team name stays in the record. Just remember that you need to go to the project, task, or request/issue records to make assignments directly. They are not one of those in-line edit capable fields on this report. This was a wonderful mental teaser to start my day! Happy Tuesday. Doug Williams


Level 2
Hi Terry - have a look at the following link, might be what you're looking for. https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/217521437-Report-Combined-Task-and-Issue-View-and-Gr... John Roberts Micron Technology, Inc.