We are looking to implement a process to document the number of iterations a project/request has gone through based on feedback/changes from our requestors/reviewers. I was thinking of adding a custom form for the project managers to track iterations as it would become a reportable field. Any other processes or ideas that have worked for you/your org?
Thank you!
Kate Tomaszek
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I created a template with a custom form that is used for Change Orders.
When a change order is needed they drop in the template and fill out the custom form.
Child Task: Change Order #1
Child Task: Change Order #2
The task and custom form now have reportable infromation and the info stays within the project for one source of truths.
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Thanks for your reply! Do you apply a standard duration for the change order tasks that are added? Or is it up the project manager to modify the dates of the task to properly reflect the work and schedule?
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No problem. The change order tasks are for the change order only.
Duration has a standard SLA of .25 days and typically takes less than 15 mintues to enter the information.
I believe the additional information you may be looking for is Rounds/Iterations.
We have tasks for Rounds and depending on the Task, Client, and Deliverable each has their own duration and planned hours (our Master Templates have a generica duration and planned hours as placeholders). I can provide more information on templates if needed.
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@ElliotLeson That naming convention is interesting. Do you label them with that prefix actually? We had been thinking of relying on metadata but having a stricter naming convention to have consistent task names and consistent "rounds" is an excellent idea.
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Yes, we name the tasks with the prefix in the templates so the phases do not have to be typed in each time a project is createed. This assists assignees that are on multiple projects to know which round they are in. Especially when the assignee has to add their time to the task.
I've also created a template for rounds with [RDX] so if the project owner goes over two rounds they just drop in the template and update the round number.