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Can we remove the name of a grouping in a report?


Level 3
I've grouped a project report we have by a customized project form field selection called Monthly Dev Update - See attached screen shot. Is it possible to apply textmode within the grouping to remove the custom form field name and only show the drop down value name? So first grouping for example would only show 'removed - killed dev (1) Thanks all, Linden

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3 Replies


Level 8
I don't know how to completely remove them. You can sort of minimise them... If you convert your grouping to text mode, the lines that control what appears here are (in this example grouping by project name). group.0.namekeyargkey.0=project group.0.namekeyargkey.1=name If you remove the lines completely (or remove everything after the = sign), you get {0}: {1}: as your prefix which isn't great. It doesn't work to blank it out using a space or quotes. The most discreet option I can recommned is to use a full stop. group.0.namekeyargkey.0=. group.0.namekeyargkey.1=. You'll still get .: .: but it's certainly not as obtrusive.


Level 10
It's a little messy, but you can probably do the following: group.0.displayname=: This will likely result in two colons before the drop down selection.


Level 3
Thanks Barry and Narayan. I’ve tried both of your text mode options and this works for me. It would be great if there was some way to remove any punctuation prior to the drop-down selection, but this is a great start. And Barry - I am a fellow Aussie living in California so I really appreciated your recommendation to use a ‘full stop’.