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Can we highlight custom field data in a report once it's been modified? Can we reset the selections in a custom form field each week?


Level 3
Hi all. I have a task report that houses key fields from a custom form that we have created. The report makes it easy to track and update the information within the tasks. I'm wondering if it's possible to do the following: 1. Can we get a field to highlight if the data has been updated within a weekly timeframe? 2. Can we have one specific custom form field reset the drop down selection to nothing at a specific day and time each week? Thanks all, Linden

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7 Replies


Level 1
Hi Linden, 1. Can we get a field to highlight if the data has been updated within a weekly timeframe? The answer here is "yes" and "no". Workfront tracks "Last Updated Date" at the task / issue / project etc level. It doesn't track it at the field level. Therefore, you could put conditional formatting on the field in the report and say "If this task's last updated date is this week, then highlight it green" (or whatever your wording is!) and that will highlight it if you've updated it. However, the problem comes when you have more than one field, because you can put the same conditional formatting on each field, but the instant you update one of them, the "last updated date" flag on the task / project is set to "this week" and all the fields will show as being updated... 2. Can we have one specific custom form field reset the drop down selection to nothing at a specific day and time each week? I don't believe this is possible. Cheers, Iain


Level 7
I don't have a good answer for you, but I'm wondering if you could create a calcuated field that would capture "today's date" when the other custom field value is changed.


Level 3
Hello Iain, Thank you for the information. It’s good to know that it’s possible to obtain the last updated date for certain objects. My team might be alright with the entire line item highlighting, I can check and see if this would be acceptable. Would it only track that the custom form had been updated within the week? Or other updates to the task as well? Thanks, Linden


Level 3
Thanks Greg, where could I read up on how to create that? -Linden


Level 7
Well, you could read the HELP on calculated custom fields - that should help some, and then search this community. Also, others should reply as well.


Level 1
Yeah, I'm afraid if there are any updates to the task, it will show up as having been updated on the date it was touched. In Reply to Linden Rhoads:
Hello Iain, Thank you for the information. It’s good to know that it’s possible to obtain the last updated date for certain objects. My team might be alright with the entire line item highlighting, I can check and see if this would be acceptable. Would it only track that the custom form had been updated within the week? Or other updates to the task as well? Thanks, Linden


Level 3
I see. Thanks anyway, Iain! Regards, Linden