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Can't seem to get a calculated custom column in a report to work correctly


Level 3
Hello everyone. If anyone could provide some assistance with the correct syntax required for the following I would be very grateful! I am trying to get a custom column in an issue report to display a concatenated field that is nested in an if statement dependent on a custom field. I have been able to get the calculated field to work correctly as a custom field on a custom form , but the syntax is apparently different in a custom column of a report . The field reviews the response to a custom field and if yes, concatenates a custom field with text and if no, concatenates a system field with text. See below for the calculation that works in a custom form. A few comments: "Are you submitting this request on behalf of someone else?" is a custom field that is a two option radio button. The options are "Yes" and "No". Primary stakeholder CAI is also a custom field that is a text field the submitter of the request (form) fills in. Thank you in advance for any assistance! IF({Are you submitting this request on behalf of someone else?}="Yes", CONCAT(Primary stakeholder CAI,"@email.com"), CONCAT(Owner.Extension,"@email.com")) Thank you. Ronald Eary Ronald Eary Information Design & Communications
4 Replies


Level 10
Hi Ronald, Please add DE: into the name of the custom fields when calculating views. You can use this as a test just to see if it works and then step into the other concatenations: IF({DE:Are you submitting this request on behalf of someone else?}="Yes", "Yes", "No") Let me know that works out. Narayan Raum Workfront Center of Excellence Delivery Lead Enterprise Data & Governance Execution (EDGE) SunTrust Bank LEGAL DISCLAIMER The information transmitted is intended solely for the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of or taking action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you have received this email in error please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. By replying to this e-mail, you consent to SunTrust's monitoring activities of all communication that occurs on SunTrust's systems. SunTrust is a federally registered service mark of SunTrust Banks, Inc. [ST:XCL]


Level 3
That worked! Now I just need to figure out the syntax to concatenate text with a system field and text with a custom field. I tried adding DE: with brackets to the custom field and just brackets to the system field, but it didn't work. Any other thoughts? Ron Ronald Eary Information Design & Communications


Level 10
Great! System fields will be the same, but without the DE: piece. For example, in a user report, you might have: CONCAT({DE:Extension},"@email.com") And in an issue report, you might have: CONCAT({owner}.{DE:Extension},"@email.com") If "Extension" is a custom field on the user. And if you want to pull in a native field like "Last Name", here's how that would look: CONCAT({owner}.{lastName},"@email.com")


Level 3
Thank you so much for your help. Actually the best suggestion/help given was the testing methodology of correcting each part of the whole to confirm which "pieces" are working and which are not. I did finally figure it out. It appears in custom columns (as you stated) you must {bracket} all fields and add DE: for custom fields. Thanks again! Ron Ronald Eary Information Design & Communications