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Calculated Fields On Request Form


Level 1
When one of our team members submits a request, we want them to select a start date or due date and show calculated dates for hand offs and approvals. Then we can use conditional logic to warn about time constraints or whatever. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like calculate fields will actually calculate until the form is submitted. Any ideas on if this is possible? Am I doing something wrong? Seth Skinner Focus Brands

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8 Replies


Level 8
I have the same need. We've been told that the calculations would not calculate until the request "submit" button is pressed. I would love to hear if there are any other ways to have an on intake form calculation run before submittal. Sarah Wilkerson Yamaha Corporation of America


Level 3
This was something my company desperately wanted when we were going through implementation but were told wasn't possible. That as well the due date calendar field to automatically gray out dates that don't allow enough time for the project to be completed. Erica Lorenzo Writer-Editor BKD,LLP


Level 5

Hi @Erica Lorenzo‚ ~ we were wanting to set up what you mention in your comment above - having dates grayed out in the calendar field that wouldn't allow enough time to complete a project/request... any luck on this or is this still a system limitation, if you may know? Thank you ~ Olivia, Talking Rain


Level 3

Hi @Olivia Miasik‚, unfortunately I don't think they've created this capability yet.


Level 10

So, I know this isn't before the request is made, which is what you want, but in the mean time... we have for our Reg Ops team, a column on the report that calls out requests made with less than 24 hours notice given. Then the director of the department reaches out the PM or Account team that submitted it for more info and why they are breaking process. It has been awesome for the Reg Ops team, especially when it comes to review time and we can see how many times a certain PM or AM did not give enough notice. ;)



Level 5

Thanks Erica and Anthony!

Anthony - that's a good idea... my suggestion was going to be a bit more draconian and just deny all requests that don't follow the timing guidance laid out :)


Level 7
Hi Seth, There are a few ways calculated fields update. However, the main thing to note is that they aren't automatic. The first way: When you submit a request with a custom form attached to it, the fields are updated upon creation. The second way: When a request is created without the custom form, and then the custom form is attached. Once you hit Save, it updates the custom data on that request. The third way: When a custom field is modified, the rest of the form is updated as well. The fourth way: When you edit the custom field via the custom form via Setup, there is a button called "Update previous calculations". However, one thing to note about this method is that it will only update that specific field, not all the fields on the entire custom form. The fifth, and last way: Bulk edit. When you select multiple issues, click Edit, scroll down, there is a box that says " Recalculate Custom Expressions" This will recalculate all the custom data on the objects you've selected. I hope this helps! Thanks, Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 10
Not sure what type of requests these are, but is there a dashboard that the user can look at to see the "progress" of the request? Maybe you can use some of the conditions to highlight things that are going to mess up the request's "progress". Like we have a field for our PIFs that says "when do you need the timeline". If it is less than 48 hours from the request, we have a calculated field that gives a warning and when that is yes, we have the request appear as yellow. That let's them know in the dashboard that they might not get everything they asked for. ;) Anthony Imgrund FCB