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Calculated Custom Data from a "linked" issue


Level 2
All, I'm trying to create an Issue report that can pull the Actual Hours from a different issue, and that associated issue is held in a custom field (Called "Linked Workfront Item") on the issue custom form. I have pasted below a screenshot of what the report looks like. So what I want the report to do is to take the Workfront issue number as shown in the column with the red "1" and place the associated "Actual Hours" value from that issue in the column with the red "2". The "Linked Workfront Item" field is a Single Line Text Field on the issue custom form, and I believe the best way to derive the hours value is to use a Calculated Custom Data field on the same custom form, and below is what I have added. I have looked at all the reporting help pages and community pages, and can see lots of help, but not for making calculations across objects that are linked in this way, I looked at nested calculations, but don't think that helps me achieve the aim. I appreciate that the formula I have put in the above screenshot is not correct, so can anyone shed any light whether this is possible, and if so, provide some suggested syntax? I assume a calculated custom field is the right way to go, but happy to make it some custom logic in the report column if that is a better approach. Many thanks in advance Richard Richard Petley Coretexa
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