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Are you having issues with WF Support?


Level 9
We're part of a larger financial company and struggling insanely with trying to connect with WF support. Since the transition of the support portal to SFDC our system flags any replies to Workfront as 'insecure' and a data risk since they contain case #s and signature reference numbers that look like data string. Workfront no longer supports TLS communications so therefore since May 10th......I've been dead in the water being able to respond to any email communications. Is anyone else facing this issue? Any solutions to workarounds? It isn't very effective having to login to a website every time to respond to any message or send a message because e-mails are 'broken' We can't be the only company that is requesting that communications being sent to us are secure. #40DaysAndCounting #SevenPeopleNoFixYet #ThisIsHopeless
7 Replies


Level 3
I have been using Workfront for about four months, and I work for a company that has loads of security measures in place. So I receive Workfront emails from support and I can reply to these emails, but I cannot access or view any screenshot examples or drop box items via email. So my solution is to keep a browser open to Workfront Experience and stay logged in all day. Then when I get an email, I pop over to that browser window and interact with them. Debbie Scalf BCBST - Corporate Communications


Level 5
Hi Christina, I use the same solution as Debbie. I just wanted to say I love your hashtags, I wish I had used #ThisIsHopeless when asking for Workfront to remove the "Work on It" button from email task notifications. Aileen Aileen Taylor Cell Signaling Technology


Level 3
Hi Christina, I've spoken with our admin that manages the support portal, he's working with the vendor to see what our options are for email communications. I've not personally had any of the clients I work with directly report this issue, but we are aware of it. I would ask to have you check with your IT folks to see if you could potentially whitelist the support email domain, as that should then bypass any sort of TLS issues you're seeing. Thanks! Allison Lippert Workfront allisonlippert@workfront.com


Level 3
Hi Debbie, I have some customers I work directly with that run into this limitation as well, the workaround I use is to grab the screenshot and paste it directly into my updates when I respond to them, or save the file and attach it to my update. Have you asked the support personnel that you've worked with to provide the direct image itself? Our support team is pretty awesome if I do say so myself, so I'm sure we're all happy to make accommodations and workaround any tech issues like this, to ensure you have a great experience with our support team, and are able to get your support cases answered effectively. Thanks! Allison Lippert Workfront allisonlippert@workfront.com


Level 7
@Christina Jarosz and @Debbie Scalf , I replied to both of you, but managed to somehow be logged in as Allison. Those responses are both technically from me, not her. Whatever is going on with the Internet today is causing some weird stuff to happen here. Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 9
@Dustin Martin - thanks! We actually put the request out from our IT folks that will allow us to do the whitelisting. I don't believe WF can do what is required to allow us to do that on our end. (It's just a signature on something) WF Support has been very helpful, responsive and working hard to find a solution/reason for this. I've given kudos all over the place for you guys - its not the support team I'm frustrated with, it's the lack of a solution. We all know how challenging technical issues can be though!


Level 3
Yes, Lloyd is my support tech, and he uses this method to help with the process, but sometimes he needs to share a video example or something besides an image, and so I've grown accustomed to keeping the experience interface open in a browser tab for convenience. Debbie Scalf BCBST - Corporate Communications