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Applying Display Logi


Level 5
Hi All, I think the answer is no- but figured I'd ask the experts! We're a creative services shop and organize our projects by business unit - utilizing the portfolios (our portfolio structure mimics the business units we support) I have a dropdown custom field, on a custom form, where we can choose the department for which we are doing work My question is- can that drop down be dynamic based on what portfolio was selected? Not sure I can connect them? one field sits in the native project details and the other sits on a custom form. And if the answer is no- any creative suggestions? The drop down isn't that long- but I'm trying to make the data entry for our PM's as easy as possible.I could also put a code in front of the department, so at the very least the departments w/in a portfolio will show up together. I know I could probably add another custom field on our office use only custom form-where the pm could chose the business unit- but that feels redundant and would require them to do the same work twice I've attached two screen shots for reference thanks in advance for any advice! Karen
4 Replies


Level 10
Hi Karen, From your screenshot, since each department belongs to one business unit (Portfolio), I'd suggest you use the built in Program field to store the department. That way, when the Project Manager selects the Protfolio, when they then select the Program, only the departments "within" that business unit will be available for selection. This then removes the potential for data entry error and (by presenting a shorter list) simplifies the selection. Regards, Doug


Level 10
Hi Karen, I would be interested what others would say about this. Ours work the other way around. Users put in a request that has a custom drop down for the business they work for. That field should relate to the Portfolio when the request is converted to a project but I haven't found a way to make the custom field affect the Portfolio field in the project so our PMs would have to enter the Portfolio field manually (can't even make it a required field!). Since Portfolio is not a required field, the PMs sometimes miss entering data for this. We end up sending out a monthly reports to the PMs that checks missing Portfolio and Program data in the projects.


Level 5
Hi Doug, Thanks for the suggestion. Right now we are utilizing the program field for our "marketing campaigns"......I know there is no right or wrong, and we can configure this a million ways......so I'll go revisit the program field to see if it would be better served as our department signifier, and then add a custom field for our marketing campaigns.... not sure- but it's food for thought. tks Karen


Level 10
Hi Karen, Just adding my voice for the Product Managers to hear that we also would like some sort of enhanced display logic to be supported by Workfront. We use ServiceNow for our support operations, and it works nicely in that you can have Field A, and depending on what is selected, a specific set of options is presented to users in Field B. The way Workfront currently works is that Field A and Field B are fixed lists, and then you run into the issues you're encountering where you have to have huge global lists of options. The only other workaround is to have a different field (e.g. B, C, D, E F) for each option in Field A, and then use display logic on the custom form. i.e. if X is selected in Field A, then display Field E. Then you'd have to use a calculated field to sum or concatenate the results into a Field G which is the actual field you use for reporting etc. It would be better if some enhancement work can be done in this area! :) Regards, David