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API- Copy/Duplicate tasks


Level 1
Hi, I'm working with the API for some time now and i there is a question that i can't find an answer to. How can i duplicate a task more than once with one call (bulk duplicate/copy)? I managed to copy it with the copyBulk action but only one by one (tried to put the task ID twice in the list but it get's denied). In the documentation it states that it's possible to use copySourceID for some objects but it's not supported by task or project (which the example use proj...), if you could show me a way to do so with tasks that will be great. Another question is what is the purpose of the options argument in the copyBulk/moveBulk action (under task), can i set the name of the duplicated task over there and parameterValues? Thanks. Kobi Dadon
1 Reply


Community Advisor
Hi Kobi, I dug up this (dated) information about the TaskCopyModeEnum, which might help you understand how you can use the options on the Bulk Copy / Bulk Task. Regards, Doug ----- CLEAR_CONSTRAINT public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_CONSTRAINT Clears constraints on copied Tasks and/or TemplateTasks. This will remove any constraints such as MSO, MFO, that is set for a Task. The ConstraintType will be reset to the default of the Project (ASAP or ALAP). Value is 1. CLEAR_ASSIGNMENT public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_ASSIGNMENT Clears assignments on copied Tasks. This will leave any copied Tasks as unassigned. Value is 2. CLEAR_PROGRESS public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_PROGRESS Clears progress. This will reset the Percent Complete of all copied Tasks to 0 and the status to "NEW". Value is 4. CLEAR_PREDECESSORS public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_PREDECESSORS Clears predecessors. This will remove any Predecessors. Value is 8. CLEAR_EXTERNAL_PREDECESSORS public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_EXTERNAL_PREDECESSORS Clears external predecessors. This will remove any Predecessors that are outside the group of Tasks being copied. Value is 16. CLEAR_APPROVERS public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_APPROVERS Clears approvals. This will remove any Approvals on the task. Value is 32. CLEAR_FINANCIALS public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_FINANCIALS Clears financial information. This will remove any financial information on the task. Value is 64. CLEAR_DOCUMENTS public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_DOCUMENTS Clears documents. This will remove any documents on the task. Value is 128. CLEAR_TIMEDNOTIFICATIONS public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_TIMEDNOTIFICATIONS Clears timed notifications. This will remove any timednotifications on the task. Value is 256. CLEAR_EXPENSES public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_EXPENSES Clears expenses. This will remove any expenses on the task. Value is 512. CLEAR_HOURTYPES public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_HOURTYPES Clears hourtypes. This will remove any hourtypes on the task. Value is 1024. CLEAR_RISKS public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_RISKS Clears All Risks. This will remove any risks that are on the project. Value is 2048. CLEAR_ALIGNMENT public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_ALIGNMENT Clears All Alignment. This will remove any alignment that are on the project. Value is 4096. CLEAR_DELIVERABLE public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_DELIVERABLE Clears All Deliverable. This will remove any deliverable that are on the project. Value is 8192. CLEAR_ISSUESETUP public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_ISSUESETUP Clears issue setup. This will remove any QueueDef options including RoutingRules and QueueTopics. Value is 16384. CLEAR_RESOURCE_ESTIMATES public static final TaskCopyModeEnum CLEAR_RESOURCE_ESTIMATES Clears budgeted resource estimates for the project. Value is 32768. Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads