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Access levels for read only reports


Level 2
Hi All, I just started working on workfront for my new company. My colleagues before me have created this report which they want to share with a customer. When I share the report by providing them the view access on the report and no plan license, they still can click on the project name in the report and get on proejct landing page. I don't want this to happen. Any help on this front is much appreciated !!! Regards, Piyush

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18 Replies


Level 8
Convert the project name column to text mode (select the column, then in the top right part of the screen select 'Switch to text mode' Click to edit the text find the line of code that says valuefield=name change it to valueexpression={name} Remember kids - Expressions don't hyperlink and neither should you!


Level 7
The other questions are, what is their Access Level/layout template/license, and what do they see on the project page. You may remove the link from the report, but if they do a search for the project (searching in the upper right search box), they will probably see the project and can click that link to get to the project landing page. It depends on how you have them set up.


Level 2
I havent decided on the layout template as they just need access to this one report and I was thinking of giving them external license. What do you think?


Level 2
Thank you Buchanan for your quick respons . But if I would change the expression, would it also take away the ability from my internal team memebrs to go on the project landing page as it is not a hyperlink? Also, I could locate this linkedname=project namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=project namekeyargkey.1=name querysort=project:name sortOrder=1 sortType=asc textmode=true valuefield=project:name valueformat=HTML width=100 and it changed valuefield=project:name to valueexpression={project:name} but the column is empty now. Sorry but I am still trying to learn it. Please advise. Regards, piyush


Level 7
Is this a "Project" object report? If so, and you want to show Project Name in it's own column, try this for your Project Name column in text mode: descriptionkey=name namekey=name.abbr querysort=name shortview=false textmode=true valueexpression={name} valueformat=HTML


Level 7
If you just want them to have access to a report, I would set up a Access Level such that you give View access to Reports only.


Level 2
I think so it is a project object report. if that means that custom froms are at project level which builds up this report. Also, i have an indiviual project column and i replaced the old code for the one you mentioned. The "project name" column goes blank again. It didnt work :( Regards, Piyush


Level 2
I tried the view only access but they could still click on the Project name and get on to project landing page :(


Level 7
2 things: 1. Confirm it's a Project Object report by going to "Reports" and then group by Object Type. Under which group to you see the project - is it under "PROJ"? 2. What's in the Filter of the report - anything? Are you "sharing" the projects with this user that you want them to see? Can you share a screen-shot of the report?


Level 2
It is a task type report, sorry for the confusion I am using a lot of filters on the report which are report deault. Added the screen shot. I had to hide the details but highlighted column is a link which I dont want for external viewers. Thanks for your help.


Level 7
Well, that's why the text mode expression doesn't work the way it's written, because it's not a Project Object report. I don't know the proper syntax for that (I'm sure there is, someone who knows text mode better can respond). I'll try to find something and if I do, I'll post back.


Level 7
Got it. This works: displayname=Project Name linkedname=project namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=project namekeyargkey.1=name querysort=project:name textmode=true valueexpression={project}.{name} valueformat=HTML


Level 5
Layout templates are great for these very limited access accounts. It can be setup to make sure that they don't see anything you don't want, like system reports, extra tabs, etc. On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 3:29 PM Greg Beck < reportingforum@communitylists.workfront.com> wrote: > Got it. This works: > > displayname=Project Name > linkedname=project > namekey=view.relatedcolumn > namekeyargkey.0=project > namekeyargkey.1=name > querysort=project:name > textmode=true > valueexpression={project}.{name} > valueformat=HTML > > -----End Original Message----- >


Level 2
i tried this too and some more permisison controls but it didnt work :(... I appreciate the help Greg. I think I still need to figure something out. To be honest I dont know what I am missing here


Level 2
Thanks Melinda for the response... I tried layout approach too butit didnt work for me. I will still keep on doing permutations and combinations. Regards, Piyush


Level 8
Question: do you want any of these users to see other projects in the system, or disable the link in the report? If you don’t want them to see the projects at all, just remove the users from the group that the projects are shared with. If they don’t have access to view the project, if they click on the link, it will just give them an error. Example: On this report, I have access to the projects, so everything is linked: [cid:image002.jpg@01D22ADE.FCB48140] If my client looks at the report, this is what she sees (Nothing….since she doesn’t have access to the reports) [cid:image004.jpg@01D22ADE.FCB48140] If I go into the report settings and it to my name in the Run this report… field [cid:image011.jpg@01D22ADE.FCB48140] Then the client can see the list of projects, but if she clicks on a link, she’ll get this message: [cid:image012.jpg@01D22ADE.FCB48140] Let me know if I’m missing something. It used to be (maybe 6 months ago) that if the person didn’t have access to the issue/project, that it wouldn’t be hyperlinked at all, but it looks like WF changed that. Adina


Level 4
Maybe already discussed this option, but if instead of sharing the report, you just export it and email to your client? (we've been doing that) or send it in an email straight from Workfront? (not sure how this one will work). You can create a view for exporting where the tasks/projects are not links...so they will not have access to anything in Workfront but the report; they wouldn't even need a license. just my 2cents :)


Level 2
Hi Adina, This worked like a charm. Thank you so much. I appreciate the help :) I appreciate all of you guys coming together to help me. Thanks to all. Hopefully one day I will be educated to return it well. :) Regards, Piyush