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19.3 B3 - Inline editing information in lists


Level 10
I'm not very clear on what this new functionality is supposed to do (or what need it serves) and wonder if anyone hear can speak more directly to it. In the past few months we've had an issue where when we tweak project timelines via task list in a project, we get flashing grey bars where all the dates are. Although we submitted a ticket, we're basically chasing ghosts. Is this new feature supposed to solve this? And if so, what does being "dimmed" mean? Does it mean not to edit? Is something going on in the background that I should be waiting for [to finish]? And then (by the way) I just submitted a bug while testing this feature: whenever I add duration to a task, I lose that task number and everything after that, starting with the parent task of the task I edited to the end of the project (I'm guessing because of all the predecessors) -- does anyone have any other bugs I should test for? -skye
5 Replies


Level 10
Hi Skye - yeah, it seems to be just a cosmetic change. Instead of flashing gray, it is just dimming the row and there is no other action to distract people. I've done a few tests and it is just dimmed while it is processing. So if it is something simple, it is very quick. But if it is more complicated, it takes a bit. Not 100% sure how I feel since with the flashing gray boxes, I knew it was still thinking and not stuck, but I guess some customers find it distracting. I did a bunch of tests. The task number does disappear in the "dimmed" state while it is thinking but the number comes back when it is done. Is that what you meant? Or is your task number gone for good? Anthony Imgrund FCB


Level 10
thanks @Anthony Imgrund -- my task number is gone for good (until I refresh the browser screen). The issue with our flashing grey bars is occasionally they never go away, they just flash for hours. It takes a manual recalc to fix it and many users do not have access to this feature. So I kind of wonder if this feature was put in as a workaround to that (at least we can see the dates while it's thinking) -skye


Level 10
I've also found that sometimes when they gray flashing is happening that any subsequent changes I make to another line appear to go through, but then disappear. So it's apparently still thinking, but taking my changes on the next line as if it's going to keep them, then they just disappear. This is in Prod. WF's suggestion was to turn off the automatic updates ☹ . Anyone else seeing this?


Level 7
Hey Anthony, Skye, and Vic, I've got another one of my customers that have reported this issue. Unfortunately we haven't been able to duplicate it so we can find out what's going on. If you folks could direct message me any ticket numbers you folks have opened for this issue, I would love to take those and combine them with my customer's so we can escalate it. One more thing... if anyone has been able to duplicate this consistently, or happens to have a project that you're seeing this issue on, please please please let me know. Thanks! Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 10
not sure which issue you're referring to, Dustin, but assuming it's the flashing grey bars, I have 00051190 -skye