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18.3 Release this Week


Level 5

Hello fellow Workfronters!

This week, 18.3 will be incrementally rolling out. It will start rolling out late tonight/early Tuesday morning and finish on Friday.

In case you missed it, my colleague Kyna Baker wrote this blog post on all things 18.3 with links to detailed information on the release.

We have the highest testing and quality assurance process in order to provide a smooth release. In the event of an unexpected challenge, we will communicate through the Community and updates on the Help site release article . If you do come across a bug that you think is related to the 18.3 release, please submit a ticket here . Submitting tickets is the best way for us to keep track of bugs on the new release software. You can also contact your CSM if you have questions about the release as they will be kept up-to-date on the launch and on known bugs.

Thank you and have a great week!

Alison Milbury

Community Manager

Alison Milbury Workfront Community Manager

2 Replies


Level 5
As some of you noticed, there was an issue with opening proofs from emails after last night's updates. This has since been resolved. You can read more about it "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011685254">here . If you are interested in more detailed information on the 18.3 release status, you can check out "https://trust.workfront.com/">our Trust page . Alison Milbury Workfront Community Manager


Level 5
Looking for some more detailed information about the new integrations in 18.3? Check out these articles with the most up-to-date information: Updated Integrations Overview Page to include Teams and One Drive: