Description - Would love to have the option to pin and unpin a certain update to the top of the updates thread. This would allow for easy visibility on the most up to date items, etc. Would also love the option to filter updates by date, time, etc. to quickly search through and locate a certain update.
Why is this feature important to you - This would increase productivity within the Workfront platform tremendously and would avoid confusion and clearer communication with cross-functional partners looking for information via updates.
How would you like the feature to work - A button that says "Pin" next to "Reply" and " Like" - Once pinned there would be an option to "Unpin"
For the filter, some sort of filtering option at the top right of updates then you can click and customize certain date, time, latest comments, etc)
Current Behaviour - Updates are ordered in the time in they are posted, and all replies and updates are not able to be customized at this time making it difficult to find important updates.