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Workfront Documents Project vs Task (Story)


Level 1


There are two ‘Documents’ places that we use to save documents on Workfront: Project and Task


Saving files in Task – Documents: In our project team, people get assigned to subtasks in tasks. It's easier for the team to go and see what the relevant files are within Task-Documents. However, when we save files and create subfolders in Task-Documents, the related “Project” Documents don’t have the same folder structure that’s in Task. For example, if we save files A, B, C and organize the files in subfolders in Task, then when we go to its Project, files A, B, C are just saved in Project Documents as loose files, not in any subfolders. We have a lot of different tasks in one project, and it makes difficult to know which files are for which tasks unless someone goes into Project Documents and create subfolders and organize files manually. Or people need to go different tasks and try to find the files they need. Often times we have multiple tasks for one work item (i.e., one task for creating website content, another task for content edit/approval, and another task for website build/production, etc.). Either way, I don’t find this is efficient.


If we save files in Project – Documents: people go into Workfront and see the subtasks they are assigned to, then they have to get out of the Task and go one level up to find files from Project – Documents. I am not sure if this is ideal either.


My goal here is that we save files to Task Documents, then when we go to Project Documents, we can filter the files based on the tasks related to the files. I played around with filter/grouping in WF and I could figure out how to group based on tasks, but document list with tasks looks too busy; I can’t figure out the best way for this. I feel like there must be a way to organize documents in Project without manually creating subfolders.


I want to make sure that we have organized folder structure for each project/work so that when we try to find something even years later we can still go in and find what we need, and people know where to look. Ideally, even someone who didn’t get involved with the project, they should be able to find the files when they try to achieve it.


Please let me know what you think.



Sunny Waterman