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Business rules: Apply to completing a task or project (or issue I guess)


Level 2


Description -  Love the new business rules.  One thing still needs to be added:  Preventing the change to a status of Complete if a rule is violated. 

Why is this feature important to you -  In regulated industries, there are often field validation requirements prior to completing a task.  

How would you like the feature to work -Certain control tasks have required fields, but the field is only validated once a user clicks into the form.  It would be great to have a block, similar to a missing required field on an intake form, to prevent the status change of a task to Complete.

Current Behaviour -Using fusion currently to check for required fields on a task form when the task is moved to a complete status, then notifying user and changing status back to In Process.  Would be great to automate this by a check for required fields on the form (taking into account display logic).