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Workfront Board Enhancement for Kanban Boards


Level 3


Red Hat uses a variety of Kanban boards to manage work. Many of these boards have different statuses that are unique to each project.

The following limitations prevent us from using Kanban boards at scale in Workfront.

  • Cards cannot be moved out of the backlog without physically dragging them.
  • We have projects with hundreds of stories in the backlog. Physically tracking down cards to move them forward after clicking into a card isn’t possible, especially when projects can contain many cards that end users are responsible for moving (see the appendix for details on one such process).
  • We would simply like to be able to move cards out of the backlog from within the card, in the same way something can be moved from “New” to “In-progress” after it's out of the backlog.
  • Kanban boards cannot be filtered, except by the user working on the card.
  • Current tooling allows us to filter within any field and build advanced filters with if/and statements.
  • Statuses can’t be readily customized by Kanban board, except within groups, which do not usually align to specific Kanban boards.
  • This causes governance problems as — even within groups — there can be many boards with many different statuses.
  • Ideally, we could create a custom field and use that for status within a Kanban board.