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Typeahead search should be keyword match


Level 5


Description - In Classic, searching or entering a typeahead used to show matches by each keyword. In NWE, search and typeahead is by full string match. This is a difficult to use search method as users have to know the exactly string sequence to reduce the matches.


Please return the search/typeahead logic to show all keyword matches rather than exact match. This applies to all input fields such as searchbox, and any input fields.


Why is this feature important to you - Users need to be able to search by individual keyword match (e.g. "this that" should show matches for "this and that", but it would not find it today)


How would you like the feature to work - Each word entered into the search/input would find all matches that match any keyword, rather than all keywords in exact sequence


Current Behaviour - Search/typeahead matches only show matches that are exact matches for the input

1 Comment



I agree.  The new search functionality makes it very difficult to find items unless you know the exact phrase.  For example, we use an acronym teamname projectname fiscalyear.


S60ACS Ad Creative Requests FY19/20

S60ACS Ad Creative Requests FY20/21

S60ACS Ad Creative Requests FY21/22

S60ACS Ad Creative Requests FY22/23

S60ACS Ad Creative Operations FY22/23

S60DD Digital Development Requests FY19/20

S60DD Digital DevelopmentRequests FY20/21

S60DD Digital Development Requests FY21/22

S60DD Digital Development Requests FY22/23

S60DD Digital Development Operations FY22/23


I use to be able to search for "S60ACS FY22/23" to get to just this year's projects.  But now I havve to type the longer phrase and hover over to see the long name.