On the new Scheduling page, I would like to see more filters and a better view of the tasks assigned to each person. My suggestions:
- On each task bar, include the name of the project, so you don't need to hover over a task to see who it is assigned to.

- Filter by team member name, rather than job role, so a person is only listed once in the left hand column, with all of his/her job roles listed directly below the name (e.g. Team member name > Engineer / Project Manager / Artist, rather than Engineer > Team member name 1, team member name 2; Project manager > team member name 2, team member name 3, team member name 4; Artist > team member name 1, team member name 3, team member name 4)
- As you scroll down the page, have the date bar at the top move with the page (the date bar should stick to the page as you scroll down so you always see it).