Description - We would love to be able to nest projects/initiatives in the scenario planner and see high level, annual Important Dates to plan against. Secondly it would be great to be able to add dates that don't align to the beginning or end of a month. Nesting, like a project would allow us to see where phases of a project can occur in the timeline and not just start and end dates. Our workflows are more fluid than just start and end. It would behave similar to task nesting. When we are planning from a high level we look at important dates through the year and see what projects can align with those as release dates.
Why is this feature important to you - It would allow more tool adoption by people who currently work across sheets and workfront and it would let us high level plan more fluidly (without having to input requests which require more information to be figured out)
How would you like the feature to work - Similar to how tasks are nested to a project or parent task. The Important Dates feature would just show as milestones on the scenario planner timeline
Current Behaviour - Doesn't currently exist.