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Resource Management Home Office Extension


Level 2


Description - After the Corona Home Office, a lot of people are still working part time in the Home Office. It would be a great extension of the Resource Management, when the user are able to set in Workfront if they are in the Office or in the Home Office and that even for the future weeks. For example the users are able to set from where they are working in the next four (4) weeks. So that in the end we can report on the entries and the users get an overview which of the colleagues are in the office or not.


Why is this feature important to you - To get a better visibility in the planning of projects it would help to know upfront if the colleagues are in the office or in Home Office.


How would you like the feature to work - It would be the best when we can include such a functionality in the timesheets. Because every user is using the timesheets and knows how to work with it. The difference to the other entries is that there is not impact on the hours in the timesheet. The user only enters for a day Home Office or Office and then to the Tasks, Projects, etc. the actual worked hours.


Current Behaviour - We have created a project where we enter the users at each day with a Custom Field where each user can set if he is in the Office or in the Home Office. To have a better visualization we created a report and dashboard for it. So that we are able to pin it to the upper Navigation.