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Remove Approval Decision When Additional Comments are Made


Level 2


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Workfront Proof allows Approvers to continue making comments after they've entered an approval decision. I know it is possible to set proofs to lock after decisions are made, but we have several Approvers reviewing proofs simultaneously, and the proof will stay open for the other Approvers. I often think specific Approvers are done reviewing a proof, only to find they've entered additional comments. There are also times when an Approver will ask a question of another Approver in the comments, tagging someone who has already entered their decision. 


It would be great if we could set our proofs to automatically remove Approvers' decisions when they, 1. make additional comments after entering a decision, or 2. are tagged by another Approver or Reviewer in comments on the proof. The Approver whose decision is removed should then be notified that their decision has been removed and informed that they would need to review the comment(s) and re-enter their decision.




Community Advisor


I think the idea of allowing certain approvers to reverse another approvers approval (whew) is a good idea. But it would have to be carefully controlled so as not to allow an approval to be reversed by a frivolous comment from a user who is just not paying attention, or by an inadvertent reply to a tag post-approval.


Level 2


@RandyRoberts  Some roles are allowed to remove others' decisions already—at least, in my organization. I've found that I have the ability to remove others' decisions, enter decisions for them, and change their roles between Approver, Reviewer, Not Relevant, etc. This must either be in my user permissions or maybe just due to the fact that I am the proof owner. I'm not sure. Others don't have this same ability. I have in fact done all of these things (manually) when warranted, while also communicating with the Reviewers, Approvers, etc. as to why, of course. 


I do see your point about frivolous tagging, though. That could be frustrating. Maybe, then, the setting would only be used for times when the Approver themselves enters comments after their decision has been made. (This is probably my biggest complaint! And it happens no matter how many times you ask people not to do it.) The automatic setting could work similarly to when you check off a comment as resolved within a proof: If you make another comment on a resolved comment, it removes the resolution, and marks the comment as reopened until you check it off again.