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Provide the ability to create Project Task Milestone Report that shows only particular Milestone tasks and not all of them


Level 4


Description - Provide the ability to select only tasks with particular milestone IDs attached to them show in the project report, and not all of the tasks that have milestones attached to them.


Why is this feature important to you - Showing all of the tasks that have milestone IDs attached to them clutters the report, specially if not all milestones in a particular path are added to all of the tasks in different projects. Also, the report is not scrollable left to right and vice versa, unless scrolling all the way down to the end of the report; so it won't be possible to see all of the milestones status on one page if the number of milestones are more than 5 or 6, other than by scrolling all the way down to the end of report to scroll to left and right, and then scrolling up all the way to see milestones status on a particular project.


How would you like the feature to work - I would like there be fields in the filter for Template/Project Milestone Task ID so that I can select only particular milestone tasks to show in a report that the "Show the Milestone view on the Details tab" is selected.


Current Behaviour - There seem to be no fields in a project report available to filter tasks with particular milestone IDs to show in the report.

1 Comment


Level 1


Did you ever receive any answer on this? I was wanting to do something similar, create either one path to show only certain milestone per report for different team levels. or be able to attach two paths to one project to create two separate reports for the same project.