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Provide Character Length Documentation for Text and Descriptive Custom Form Fields


Level 4


When choosing field types to building custom forms, it would be very helpful to have the field character length for the text and descriptive fields designated as small, medium or large. The documentation provided on this is very general and just provides maximum character length. More specifics would help- https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/workfront/using/basics/update-work-items-view-updates/charac...



Community Advisor


I believe the character length is the same for small, medium, and larger text and descriptive fields. 

Once text is entered into those fields, the field size will expand up to the character limit. But when you select small, medium, or larger you are selecting the size of the field prior to text being entered.


Level 4


That makes sense. Thanks for adding that clarification. When I checked with Support about this they didn't give me that information and suggested that I add improved field character length documentation as an idea.