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Proofing Action/Comment Report


Level 2


Description - Workfront should allow comments and actions within the proof to be reportable. 

Why is this feature important to you - Agencies and Marketing teams usually need to have visibility over the changes requested on a proof in order to trace the timeline of proofing. 

How would you like the feature to work - Ideally, it would be great to have a proof comments report that can possible include the parent proof's fields as well like proof status, proof decision, proof progress etc.

Current Behaviour - There is no way to report on Comments made on a proof within workfront.



Community Advisor


It's not the same thing as a report, but can you go into the project updates for a timeline of all project updates, proof comments, etc?  How would you envision a proofing report working?  Would you want literally all of the comments for all of the projects in the report?  How would that work?


Level 2


@Richard__Carlson Thanks. Do proof comments get logged currently in the project updates section? I'm not seeing them or maybe I'm missing something?

Essentially I just need a table view of all the proof comments/replies group-able by their parent proof, document or project. 


Community Advisor


@RowvillBh1 I don't see them in my environment either.  Comments used to be visible in the Update stream and each proof comment was prefaced with "Proof comment:" 

I am unable to see comments in project update streams now, I think that something may have changed with that recently.


Level 10


I agree it would be helpful to be able to report on comments and actions. We definitely struggle in this area when leaders want something quickly on something that I am not able to export.


I do however use a note report with a filter to pull in proof comments that does help. 

Screenshot 2024-10-03 at 12.24.23 PM.png


I then pull in Note Text, Project Name, Document Name, Note Entry Date, and Owner Name as my columns.



Level 1


Thank you @KierstenKollins, this is helpful. 


I might add this report into a dashboard to add at the project level just to view that projects notes, easier way to view while at the project level.