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Parent Task status pending when approval is pending


Level 2


Hi all:

My team has several subtasks of parent tasks in our project templates where an approval process is applied. Tasks downstream in the project have predecessor tasks based on these parent tasks. When looking at the project, the parent tasks are showing at 100% complete, as are the subtasks for that parent; but there is a pending approval. Can we have the parent task not show 100% complete if an approval process is pending? It would eliminate the need for team members to open several tasks to find which task is the culprit and holding up the process.

Thanks for your consideration of my proposal.

Wendy Korson

1 Comment


Level 4


OH MY GOSH YESSSSSS!! This creates SO many issues with us too! I have created a report to show users what tasks they have that are in "complete pending approval" status so that has helped some but showing 100% when its not actually "done" (not approved) is very confusing.