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Need ability to move custom fields in card configuration!


Level 3


Description - Need the ability to move custom fields added to cards in the Configure --> Cards area. It is already clunky and buggy, but if you have to add a new field towards the top of your custom fields, you have to delete EVERY custom field added, then add the new one, then add EVERY custom filed and update names. Almost makes it not worth using boards if you have to update custom fields on the cards.


Why is this feature important to you - When designing boards and the card fields, there is a bunch of feedback given to make adjustments, so every time an adjustment is needed, it takes a large amount of effort to make these additions.


How would you like the feature to work - Be able to drag and drop custom fields once they are configured to be on the cards (Board --> Configure --> Cards)


Current Behavior - Does not allow for moving or re-sort custom fields once added to the card configuration