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Must be functionality to connect cross organisation Manager name and superiors allowed for each User.


Level 10


Description - There are around atleast 15% users who are located in different countries or different business entities location in the same Group organisation. And while set up of "Reports To" does not allow System Admin to assign between cross function business entities. Which shows a weakness user set up in Workfront. Must be allowed to select the above criteria.


Why is this feature important to you - And while set up of "Reports To" does not allow System Admin to assign between cross function business entities.

How would you like the feature to work - Just to allow the selection of cross function business entity manager. We donot need to be dependent from individual Manager, since if any work required, can be taken care from resource pool in project edit. In many cases it found, that more than one manager reqponsible for an user.


Current Behaviour - No such funcationality, a big gap in connecting resources with respect to manager from other location / company  from the Group Organisation.




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