Description: A HUGE issue for our company and use of the Workfront system. We need requests to house interactive proofs and then convert those requests into projects while keeping those interactive proofs and comments attached to the document.
Why is this feature important to you: for our system to work correctly we need requesters to provide feedback and annotations or interactive proofs of their needs to our team - one of the main reasons we were sold on using the Workfront product in the first place was the functioning interactive proofing tool and this not working is a huge issue for our use case.
How would you like the feature to work: converting issues or requests that have interactive documents/proofs to projects should move the proof and all of its functionality and comments to the converted project.
Current Behaviour: when we convert an issue with a annotated proof to a project, the proof reverts to a pdf and looses all comments.
Is this something being developed/can it be requested to develop in the product?
thank you!!