Description - Would love to see you develop pinned items to the next level and allow us to create our own menus. Currently a majority of our users have so many pinned items that too many fall into the 3 dot area. If they want to bring any items to the main area they have to remove and re-add pinned items. If we could change a pin into a personalized menu we could group in more meaningful ways to each user (similar to bookmark folders in a web browser).
Why is this feature important to you - UI enhancement, adoption, more user friendly and intuitive
How would you like the feature to work - Create a main item for the pinned area, i.e., 1-on-1 Meetings, that becomes a menu item with a caret and when you click on it you can add sub-menu pinned items like each of the 1-1 projects for your team members.
Current Behaviour - You can pin many items, depending on your browser "view" and whether it's zoomed in or out, you will see a limited number of items in your pinned area. Any items that don't fit will fall into the 3 dot area. The most recent pinned item ends up at the end of the list or if you have items in the 3 dot area they end up at the bottom of that popup. If you want to move it to the main pinned area you have to remove other items and then re-pin them.